Ruby Red Swiss Chard
Seed Count: Approx. 80 seeds
Days to Maturity: 60 days
Description: Ruby Red Swiss Chard produces excellent yields of shiny dark green leaves with brilliantly colored red stalks and veins. Its leaves has a similar bitter taste, and use like spinach. Use young leaves in salads omelets, soups, and stews, or steam or saute mature greens for a delicious treat. This plant is a great container variety, growing up to 2 ft. tall, and can be harvested at any point of its growth. Ruby Red Swiss Chard will give you delicious greens all summer long into the fall, and even year round in places with more mild climates!
How To Grow
Sowing: Direct sow Swiss chard about a week after the last spring frost, planting it 1/2" deep in compost-enriched soil, in full sun. For harvesting the entire plant, space the plants 4-5" apart; for continual harvesting of the outer stalks, space the plants 8-10" apart for larger growth. Sow seeds every 2 weeks for a continuous summer harvest. Germination should occur in about a week. It can survive light frosts, and can be planted as a fall crop.
Growing: Keep the soil evenly moist and weed free with a layer of mulch. Moisture is especially crucial to the seedlings in the first stages of their growth. Companion plant with the brassica family, onions, leeks, scallions, and beans.
Harvesting: Individual leaves can be harvested for greens as soon as they reach a height of 6-8". The whole plant can be cut at the surface of the soil, but
to ensure continued growth and another harvest, leave an inch of stem. Outer stalks can also be harvested individually, leaving the heart to grow. In the spring, the plants will go to seed; wait until the seed heads are fully grown and dry before removing them. The seeds should readily come off the stems after they are completely dry. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place for up to five years.