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Canary Yellow Melon

$2.99 USD

Seed Count: Approx. 30 seeds

Days to Maturity: 100-120 days

Description:  The Canary Yellow Melon, also known as the Jaune Canary Melon, is a sweet muskmelon that boasts a complex, delicate, sweet, and tangy flavor.  However, it lacks the musky aroma associated with most varieties of muskmelon.  The fruits are pear shaped with a thick, tough, slightly wrinkled, sometimes speckled brown, outer skin.  Its juicy, tender, and succulent, white-pale green flesh is a great addition to fruit salads, but tasty by itself too.  Canary melons are named for their cute, bright yellow appearance reminiscent of Tweety Bird.  This variety of muskmelon grows vigorously on vines that can reach 10 ft., and is quite productive, and they can weigh around 4-6 lbs. each.  Due to its thick skin, the Canary Yellow melon stores well throughout the winter season.  This melon does best planted in full sun.

How To Grow

Sowing:  Wait to plant melons until the soil temperature has warmed to 70-80 degrees F. Melons thrive in heat, and don't do very well in cooler conditions. Start your seedlings indoors only 2-4 weeks before transplanting.  If the plants get too large, they have difficulty adjusting when transplanted. Sow several seeds 1/2" deep in each peat pot, and keep them at 75 degrees until they germinate. Thin seedlings to the strongest plant in each pot by cutting off the others.  Avoid pulling out the seedlings to keep from disturbing their roots.  Gradually harden off the seedlings to the outdoor temperatures by setting them outside during the day, for a couple hours a day, and slowly increasing the length of time left outside, until they are acclimated to the weather.  Transplant them to hills 4-6' apart with 2-3 plants to a hill. Since I have a small space and keep everything planted in a containers, I plant my melons and pumpkins in 25 gallon containers (2 plants per container), and train them to climb up on a trellis to save space.  For companion planting benefits, plant melons with peas, pole beans, bush beans, onions, leeks, chives, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, okra, spinach, sunflowers, lettuce, and brussels sprouts.  However, avoid planting melons with potatoes. 

Growing:  In cooler climates, melons may benefit from black plastic to keep the soil warm; mulch also helps to conserve necessary moisture, control weeds, and keep the melons clean. Adequate moisture is particularly crucial as the vines begin to develop. After midsummer, when melons have set, pinch off blossoms and smaller fruits in order to direct the full energy to the larger fruits; the smaller fruits will not have time to ripen before frost, and it's best to do so. Melons are also heavy feeders, and water drinkers, so make sure to give them a good composting and the right amount of water as the fruit develops.  When melons are close to ripening, I decrease the water a bit, so they ripen sweeter.

Harvesting:  As the melon ripens, it will become a light golden yellow color and fragrant; the stem should fall off easily, and the blossom end should be slightly soft. The melon will keep for several weeks in a cool place.  When saving seed from melons, keep in mind that they will cross pollinate with other varieties of melon but not with watermelon, cucumbers, or squash. Melon seeds are mature when the fruit is ripe.  When you cut open the fruit, put the pulp that contains the seeds into a bowl. Work it with your fingers to separate the seeds from the pulpy fibers. Add enough water so that the pulp and the hollow seeds will float.  Remove the floating material; all of the viable seeds will remain at the bottom of the bowl. Rinse the seeds well, then spread them out to dry completely.  Store your seeds in a cool, dry place for up to five years.