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Jubilee Watermelon

$2.99 USD

Seed Count: Approx. 20 seeds

Days to Maturity: 95 Days

Description: The Jubilee watermelon is a popular melon variety with crisp, firm, juicy, sweet, bright red flesh.  It's a well known, popular old favorite with amazing taste and fine texture.  These large, oblong fruits measure 1-2 ft. long, and have a medium thick, shiny, light green rind with dark green stripes.  It is literally the perfect treat for a hot summer day.  The Jubilee watermelon can weigh 25-40 lbs.  They are also fusarium wilt and anthracnose resistant, talk about a plus!  Make sure to give its vine plenty room to spread, or can try to grow them vertically if you are low space.

How To Grow

Sowing:  In cool climates, start watermelon seeds indoors, no sooner than a month before transplanting; plant 3 seeds 1/4" deep. Provide heat with a heat pad to keep the soil at least 80-85 degrees F. Thin all but the strongest seedling, as soon as true leaves appear, and transplant about a week after the last frost. In warm climates, direct sow watermelons, as soon as the soil temperatures reaches at least 75 degrees F. Give vines the space to sprawl out about 6-8 ft. in all directions, or grow up vertically to save space.

Growing:  Watermelons should be planted in full sun in rich, loose soil. As soon as the vines begin to develop, apply a thick layer of mulch to control weeds, conserve moisture, and protect the melons from soil contact. Keep the soil moist, until fruit begin to grow, then water only if the soil dries out completely. Watch out for insects and other pests, which can become a huge a problem, and use organic insecticide soap when needed. Companion plants include corn, morning glories, okra, and sunflowers.  However, keep watermelons away from potatoes.

Harvesting:  Decrease watering your plants, when watermelons reach close to the approximate size that they’re supposed to be, in order to increase sweetness. Too much water can result in watery unsweet melons. There are many ways to test for ripeness. 1) Knock on the watermelon with your knuckles, listening for a dull thump rather than a hollow ring. 2) Check the underside of the melon, where it rests on the ground; the skin should be a rich yellow. 3) The curling tendril closest to the stem of the melon often indicates ripeness when it begins to turn brown. Watermelons usually keep for several weeks in a cool place after harvesting.