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Nam Tao Yao Bottle Gourd (Opo Squash)

$2.99 USD

Seed Count: Approx. 10 seeds

Days to Maturity: 70 days

Description:  Nam Tao Yao Bottle Gourd, also known as Lauki or Opo squash, is an edible, heat loving, disease tolerant gourd that is a great substitute for zucchini, especially if you have a hard time growing it like I do.  This variety grows on a vigorous vine and yields lots of delicious fruit.  Each fruit grows about 12-14 inches long, and weighs around 2.5 lbs.  The Nam Tao Yao is light green, with smooth skin and white flesh that's slightly sweet in flavor.  It's great to add to omelets, soups, and stir-fries.  Naturally, my favorite way to eat them though is curried, or in a coconut based soup.  It boasts cute white flowers, that open during the early evening, as the sun starts to set.  Opo squash does very well in Southern Florida's long hot summers, and you've probably seen me growing this on my Instagram.  However, it does not tolerate too much cold weather, so make sure you do not to start them too late in the summer.  It's mature fruits can also be harvested and dried to be used as bottles or pipes!

Mint2Grow Tip:  I always make sure to hand pollinate my female opo squash flowers when they open in the evening to ensure that I get lots of fruit, because I have lots of curry to make lol.  It makes a delicious vegetarian curry by itself, or you can add it into your meat curries for added nutrients, or to bulk it up.  Also make sure to pick this fruit when it's immature for the best flavor.  Once the seeds really start to develop, they don't leave you with a lot of edible flesh, and the flesh isn't as sweet and tender.

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